(Video) She Gives Us A Peek Into Her Travel First Aid Kit. I Never Expected To See These Items! Did You?

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If you’re heading away on some travel expedition, or you’re simply heading out to the backwoods to do a weekend camping trip, then you really should make sure that you put together a travelers first aid kit, because it’s one of those things you really need when you need it!

Sure, your bug-out bag is likely to have a comprehensive medical kit, but we’re talking about something smaller and more compact here.

So that’s why we’re sharing this video from Hey Nadine here with you. She’s put together a well equipped kit that certainly contains some items that you’d expect to see such and band aids, but there’s also a few things that are likely to surprise you as well.

If you want to put together (or improve) your own travel first aid kit then watch the video over the next page.

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